

  1. I am between 25 and 70 years old.
  2. I have held a full UK or EU driving license for at least 2 years.
  3. I am not engaged wholly or partly in professional entertainment or are a professional sports person.
  4. I am not a jockey or person connected with racing, gaming industry or press of any sort.
  5. I am not a foreign service personnel other than persons holding a full UK/EU license for 2 years of more.
  6. I have not been involved in more than one motoring accident or claim within the preceding three years.
  7. I have not been convicted of any motoring offence or have a prosecution pending other than parking or one speeding offence.
  8. I have referred any medical condition requiring Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) notification and authorisation has been granted by the DVLA.
  9. I have not been refused motor insurance at normal rates and terms or you have not been declined insurance or had any insurance policy cancelled by an insurer.
  10. I accept and have read the full terms and condition. (click here to view).